Ultimate Direction Reservoir 3.0L
499 kr - 399 kr
Uppgradera din löparväst eller ryggsäck med en vätskeblåsa!
Stryktålig vätskeblåsa från Ultimate Direction. Lätt att rengöra och läcker ingenting.
Volym: 3 Liter
- The reservoir can removed and filled while leaving the hose threaded through the pack
- Reservoir can be turned inside-out for easy cleaning
- The opening automatically shuts off when the hose is removed
- Smooth inside, for easier cleaning
- Slightly smoother outside, to slip in and out of packs
- BPA Free
- Top closure is fold-over and slide-closed resulting in never leaking and opens fully for cleaning
- Utilizes a Hypervalve Hose which incorporates an on/off bitevalve